Arturas Jonauskas – Manifesto Author’s collotype
Collotype, developed in 1855 in France by Alphonse-Louis Poitevin as a method of photomechanical reproduction of an image, had been used till the 2nd part of the 20th century. Although collotype had flourished as a printing technology for reproducing illustrations and lost its relevance in printing industry by the present moment, it still remains the printing technique with outstanding expressive qualities. The time has come for collotype to be recovered as an independent graphic technique for reproducing works of authorship, to be designated as an art form. This manifesto is a call to artists using this technique for promotion and development of the collotype printing technique as the original author’s method of printing their works.
Arthur Jonauskas
March 16, 2015
Arturas Jonauskas – Artist’s Statement
Photographer, artist, experimentalist. Since 2002 I have used different ways of printing as a tool of personal ideology and experience expression in my art. It is a pleasure to master old and develop new alternative ways of getting photographic images. I developed the original version of collotype printing method.
In my creative research I left simple experiments with technologies aside as work with alternative photographic processes gives me freedom in choosing material and its properties. It is a real satisfaction of artwork creation.
I teach creative photography in my own school.
Images are printed with Etching Inks on a prepared surface (oilprint), or ink is transferred from matrix to a blank piece of paper (oilprint transfer) which makes the work similar to etching impression. Finished artwork possesses properties of both photo and prints thus breaking perception difference between new and traditional art and broadening borders of internal dialogues.
Subdued black and white (less frequently – monochrome colored) impression gamut rich of delicate half-tone relationships masterfully interprets calm emotions developing lively feelings. From all the variety of subjects I select those expressing personal attitude to a printed matter.
Artur Jonauskas – CV
Personal Details
Artur Jonauskas, (b. 1967, Russia) | | +7 (921) 311 3567
Education/Artist Training
Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts, Photographic composition, Creative techniques in photography
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2021 A Walk Along the Sea, Russian Museum of Ethnography. Saint Petersburg, Russia
2018 Steps of Myronis in St. Petersburg, The State Russian Museum and Exhibition Centre ROSPHOTO, St. Petersburg, Russia
Solo Exhibitions
2022 Imprinting, Doc Art Avant-Garde Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
2021 Traces of Blessed Matulenis in St. Petersburg, Birstonas Sacral Museum, Birstonas, Lithuania
2021 Steps of Myronis in St. Petersburg, Kaunas Cathedral, Kaunas, Lithuania
2019 Steps of Myronis in St. Petersburg, Venclovas’ House – Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania
2019 Steps of Myronis in St. Petersburg, Maironis Lithuanian Literature Museum, Kaunas, Lithuania
2017 Steps of Myronis in St. Petersburg, Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Petersburg, Russia
2015 Near the sea, Žinija’ Society, Vilnius, Lithuania
2015 Near the sea, Public Library. Eve Simonaitytė, Klaipeda, Lithuania
2015 Near the sea, Plunge region municipal library, Plunge, Lithuania
2015 A walk along the sea, Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania, St. Petersburg, Russia
2014 Split, Gallery Mini, St. Petersburg, Russia
2013 Еnvelopes, Gallery BW, St. Petersburg, Russia
2012 Subjective space, The Freud Museum of Dreams, St. Petersburg, Russia
2012 A walk along the sea, The State museum Tsarskoselskaya collection, St. Petersburg, Russia
2011 Spoiled print exhibition, 1719Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
2010 FM, Gallery BW, St. Petersburg, Russia
2010 Nidos prieplauka, Fotobienale Plunge 2010, Plunge, Lithuania
2010 Landscape, Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania, St. Petersburg, Russia
2010 Oilprint,Gallery Stachka, St. Petersburg, Russia
2009 Landscape, Church of Sts. Catherine, St. Petersburg, Russia
2009 Landscape, Chesmensky palace, St. Petersburg, Russia
2000 The World as I see it, Central Exhibition Hall Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia
Group Exhibitions
2025 Dark Horse II, St. Petersburg Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia
2024 Transfiguration, Catacombs of Petrikirche, St. Petersburg, Russia
2024 Autumn 2024, Saint Petersburg Union of Artists, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2024 I remember a wonderful moment!, XXVII International Art Festival «Sergei Oskolkov and his friends», St. Petersburg, Russia
2024 Our Everything!, St. Petersburg Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia
2023 PhotoTop. Portrait, Classic Photography Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2023 Without clothing, St. Petersburg Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia
2023 Petersburg. Who are we?, St. Petersburg Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia
2023 Spring 2023 Photo deviation, St. Petersburg Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia
2022 Out of Focus: Blurred Images in Art, Mihail Chemiakin foundation, St. Petersburg, Russia
2022 The best city in the world, XXV International Art Festival «Sergei Oskolkov and his friends», St. Petersburg, Russia
2022 Festival anniversaries, Doc Art Avant-Garde Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
2022 90th Anniversary of the Leningrad Union of Artists, St. Petersburg Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia
2022 Where you are, Zerno Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
2022 Dark Horse, St. Petersburg Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia
2021 PhotoTop, Gallery of Classical Photography, Moscow, Russia
2021 Macrocosm and Microcosm, XXIV International Art Festival «Sergey Oskolkov and His Friends» Russia, St. Petersburg
2020 Printed graphics of St. Petersburg artists, St. Petersburg Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia
2019 Fifth photo biennale of contemporary photography museum, The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
2019 Walks with Pushkin, XXIII International Art Festival «Sergey Oskolkov and His Friends» Russia, St. Petersburg.
2019 Petersburg. Terrain, New Exhibition Hall of the Museum of Urban Sculpture, St. Petersburg, Russia
2019 Petersburg. Photography, St. Petersburg Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, Russia
2018 Photodeviation, New Exhibition Hall of the Museum of Urban Sculpture, St. Petersburg, Russia
2017 Krasin — 100 years of achievement, Russian Geographical Society, St. Petersburg, Russia
2016 Fourth photo biennale of contemporary photography museum, The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
2016 Border space, Wordshop Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2016 Mythology — Space and Time, the Baltic Biennale art book — 2016, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2016 Magic people, St. Petersburg books and charts Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
2015 The cut in the arts, Mihail Chemiakin foundation, Theatre actor, Moscow, Russia
2015 Portrait Now!, Erarta, St. Petersburg, Russia
2014The cut in the arts, Mihail Chemiakin foundation, St. Petersburg, Russia
2013 Out of Focus: Blurred Images in Art, Mihail Chemiakin foundation, St. Petersburg, Russia
2013 Binary code, Gallery Grant Thornton, Moscow, Russia
2012 Disappearing Petersburg, Press сlub the green lamp, St. Petersburg, Russia
2012 Recollections of Titanic after 100 years. International graphic art exhibition, Riga Art Space, Riga, Latvia
2011 The St. Petersburg pictorialism, ROSPHOTO, St. Petersburg, Russia
2011 PETERSBURG-2010, Central Exhibition Hall Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia
2009 Festival of the national picture. Lithuania, Central Exhibition Hall Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia
2009 Exhibition Project Adassah Syandrauskas Pasaulio lietuviai Palangoje 2009, Cultural Center Rezosa, Yuodkrante, Lithuania
2008 Photographer of the Year, Popov Museum of Communications, St. Petersburg, Russia
2007 Cityscapes, Peter and Paul Fortress. St. Petersburg, Russia
2006 PIETARI NUORI, Gallery Kameraseuran, Helsinki, Finland.
2005 HOMOFOTOS, Museum of Urban Sculpture, St. Petersburg, Russia
2004 Dedication, Rumyantsev Mansion, a branch of the State Museum of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
The State Russian Museum and Exhibition Centre ROSPHOTO, St. Petersburg, Russia
The State museum Tsarskoselskaya collection, Pushkin, Russia
The Etching Guild, Riga, Latvia
Grigoryants Elena Igorevna, Candidate of Philosophy, member of the association of art critics: “Personal space of photo books of Artur Jonauskas”, Conference on visual book culture “Text and image: visual narrative as a current means of communication”, Foreign Literature Libraries, Moscow, 2024
Vlada Lipskaya: “Photographer of Emptiness”: Avanscena, No. 1 (9), 2023
Liucija Armonaite: “Arturas Jonauskas experimenter with a camera”, Naujoji Romuva, №3 (592), 2015
Boronenko: “Photographic Map of St. Petersburg. Part 2”, Fotopeterburg, № 17 (205), 2011
Catalog “Artindex” Photographers Petersburg, 2007
Daniel Litvintsev: “The didgital of oil”, Photopeterburg, № 10 (144), 2007
Daniel Litvintsev: “The didgital of oil”, Photo News Russia, № 10 (144), 2007
Foto-Video, № 2, February 2006
Mikhail Kuzmin: “With a dedication to fighting for you!”, NOMI (New World of Art), 3 (38), March 2004
Author’s publications
Arturas Jonauskas: “A walk along the sea”: Naujoji Romuva, №3 (592), 2015
Arturas Jonauskas: “Noble oil”, Magazine Foto-Video № 4, April 2009
Alexander Blok: Night, street… 2017
Artur Ionauskas: Peter and Paul Fortress 2016
Artur Ionauskas: SPb 2016
Artur Jonauskas: A walk along the sea 2014
2006-2013, Teacher, School of Creative Photography of Artur Jonauskas
2003-2005, Teacher, School of Photography Profotik
2002-2003, Teacher, School of Photography Argentum
2023 Creative meeting, Hermitage Youth Center. Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2021 Creative Meeting, Art space at Krupskaya House. Russia, St. Petersburg.
2017 Master class Alternative photographic methods of printing in the creation of an author’s book, PHOTOBOOKFEST 2017. Russia, Moscow.
2016 Collotype Master Class, Vinzavod, Wordshop Gallery. Russia, Moscow.
2013 Collotype Master Class, Grant Thornton Corporate Gallery in Russia. Russia, Moscow.
2013 Master class: Collotype. A printing technique that breaks down the boundaries< between photography and graphics. 18th St. Petersburg PHOTO FAR. Russia, St. Petersburg.
2018, up to now Editor of the Internet resource — Lithuanian culture
in St. Petersburg.
2001-2006 Art-director of Gallery Black and White. Russia, St. Petersburg.
Other categories
2012 participant the 100 Curators 100 Days project at the Saatchi Gallery
2012 member of the Printmakers from Cairns, Equatorial Queensland
2005 member of Russian Union of Artists